If you like reading, do you have a title in mind that isn't on the library shelf? Please tell me about it.
If you don't like reading, there must be one or two books that you have heard of. If you want to read them in near future, please let me know.
The books will be ordered for BITS library. Even if you are not a BITSian, you can suggest books that a college library should have.
Any genre which suits general reading will do. Novels, biographies, travelogues, anthologies....... Because as Sir Francis Bacon said "Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested. "
For BITSians, please check in the catalogue that the book isn't already present. (They don't believe in two copies.)
Also, it'll be really nice of you if you could tell me the publisher and ISBN. You need to Google only one book, poor me will have to plough through the whole list.
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